Industry Features
BioTech Recruiting Chat
Invited by industry icon James Ellis to join him for a BioTech Recruiting Chat
We discussed leveling up your employer brand strategy and why I held an IT person hostage on the phone. (It’s related, I promise.)
Podcast: Chad & Cheese
Invited by industry legends Joel Cheeseman and Chad Sowash to talk all things Employer Brand at RecFest 2024.
If you want to hear how fast I can talk, now’s your chance. (In my defense, they’re high-energy guys!) We went from $0 branding tactics to what Employer Branders need to get better at in 2025, and the holiday schedule of Europeans may have slipped in there too.
Elevating Recruiting Practices
Invited by industry leader Kat Kibben to share best practices for companies of any size to apply
I joined ~10 leaders to share my thoughts and work around inclusive hiring best practices for recruiting. Featured in the Inclusive Hiring Workbook and guest on the follow-up webinar.
DisruptHR Columbia
Invited to speak on the impact of coffee chats in Columbia, South Carolina
Can Coffee Really Help Your Career? Sort of, yes!
It's time to get literal about filling your cup. My job is evolving in a direction I love because of one line someone said to me in a coffee chat that shifted my perspective. Where will your networking take you?
“Really enjoyed the Lego analogy for rebuilding employee advocacy. Transparency is so important! Alumni is so important to your brand!” — Attendee
Virtual TA Week 2024
Invited to speak on Redefining Employee Advocacy
HR Legos: Redefining Employee Advocacy
Employee Advocacy often refers to digital programs where people share corporate content. And that’s… something, but it’s 2024. It’s time to redefine employee advocacy, and build experiences that create true advocates. This talk will share how we can look to Legos to inspire the next generation of advocates (or, plainly stated, happy employees).
Empple Festival
Invited to speak on redefining employee advocacy in Belgrade, Serbia
You Can’t Copy & Paste Brand Advocates
The question “What if” often comes from a place of fear and concern — but what if it came from a place of curiosity and excitement? We’re flipping “what if” by looking at 10+ examples of companies making a difference through innovative Employer Brand tactics and ending with 4 concrete ways to get started at your company.
“What an amazing speech! I loved every second of it and it was super inspiring. You ROCKED IT! 🥰” — Attendee
RecFest 2024
Invited to speak on Redefining Employee Advocacy in Nashville, Tennessee
HR Legos: Redefining Employee Advocacy
Employee Advocacy often refers to digital programs where people share corporate content. And that’s… something, but it’s 2024. It’s time to redefine employee advocacy, and build experiences that create true advocates. This talk will share how we can look to Legos to inspire the next generation of advocates (or, plainly stated, happy employees).
Named an industry influencer by EditMate, the Employer Brand video software used by companies like Adobe, HelloFresh, Monster Energy, and Travel + Leisure
Top 10 Employer Brand Experts to Follow
2023 Community Champion Award
Named the 2023 global Community Champion by Talent Brand Alliance, a global group of hundreds of Employer Brand and Recruitment Marketing professionals who get together twice a month to discuss best practices and new ideas in a collaborative, open format. This meant a lot as these awards are peer-nominated.
EditMate LinkedIn Live & Video Series
Partnering with EditMate to bring Employer Brand ideas and insights to life through video
The content Series from June - October 2024 covers Employer Value Propositions (EVPs), metrics, Gen Z, and more!